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Reply To: The High-Five Corner

Reply To: The High-Five Corner2018-05-01T20:33:59+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Excited/Relieved The High-Five Corner Reply To: The High-Five Corner


Post count: 8

First hi to anyone who has read these posts in the last 7 years. Its high time we started congratulating ourselves and others for just being here…and Despite all the programming infinite loops to he 🏒🏒 in turbotax. I printede out the submission and then noticed it was May 1 in ottawa LATE again.

I finished my taxes and efiled at 11;15pm last night. In preparaion i had pre done them several times in january nd feb but waited til i had all the info and then procrastinated almost two more months. But they were done. almost on time

By the way Turbo tax was wrong . Instead of owing them 200 i was due a refund of 400. Discovered as i checked the full tax filing 37 pages.