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Reply To: CBD and ADD/ADHD

Reply To: CBD and ADD/ADHD2018-06-26T23:26:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Other Meds CBD and ADD/ADHD Reply To: CBD and ADD/ADHD


Post count: 71

CBD oil comes from hemp or marijuana, but does not have tch and does not get you high. I don’t understand why someone said it isn’t safe, ax there are zero studies that say CBD is harmful. It may not be right for you, but it is nit harmful unless someone has a specific known reaction. By the way, certain strains of pot WITH TCH have also been known to be helpful, but that is a separate issue. Most of the research comes out of Israel. The reason there isn’t a lot of research is because the U S treats it on the dame level as herin – which is absurd.