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Reply To: In the process of getting diagnosed, feeling very confused and anxious!

Reply To: In the process of getting diagnosed, feeling very confused and anxious!2019-10-07T19:09:01+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! In the process of getting diagnosed, feeling very confused and anxious! Reply To: In the process of getting diagnosed, feeling very confused and anxious!


Post count: 5

Hi Mrsfletch

I’m a 52 yer old guy in the UK and I’m at the same point as you. Started having what seemed like memory related issued generally, say my doctor who did some simple tests and agreed that something wasn’t quite right. Referred me to specialists who ran something similar. About 5 hours of psychometric testing later, I find out that the problems weren’t with memory but attention or rather inattention.

Then read Ricks book “ADD Stole My Car Keys” and totally identify. Like you, my symptoms go back to when I was around 6 years old and had exactly the same experiences and comments at school that you had.

There is absolutely no doubt that ADHD is a life long condition and I am currently on a waiting list to see an ADHD/Autism specialist. THey aren’t very common in the UK so I’m having to go outside of my local area for the assessment.

I feel like I finally understand who I am and why I’m the way that I am and like you, will be very disappointed if I don’t get diagnosed. But we have to just trust in the medical profession, I guess, to recognise the symptoms.

Good luck with your journey. Like you I just want to know so that I can start to do something about it.

Let us know how you get on.