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Re: add and social skills

Re: add and social skills2011-05-23T20:17:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community add and social skills Re: add and social skills


Post count: 363

Thanks for those tips, Toofat.

I’m pretty bad at social interactions because I tend to become extremely tense – not because I’m shy, but because I get overwhelmed by all the information flying around the room – everything from clothing and the values and lifestyle choices they reflect, to facial expressions, social status, body language – the visuals are too loud, and the noise is even louder.

My biggest problem is those “lofty opinions” of which you speak. Gads, I have them. It’s hard to keep my mouth shut, particularly if I’m having a spasm of self-righteousness. So kudos to you if you can keep that stuff under wraps. In my book, that’s an achievement.

I can do the give-and-take, but I never know how to leave or end a conversation without being rude. How do you get away gracefully?

The other thing that throws me are chit-chat type interactions that are not meant to communicate anything meaningful but are just to “make nice” with others. The kind of exchange where no one says anything substantive, ever. Where it’s okay to talk about the weather, non-controversial events like parades and concerts, bargain-hunting at yard sales, sports, kids’ activities, recipes, and maybe movies or TV – the safe and superficial. How do you feign interest and follow the discussion while bored out of your mind?