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Re: ADHD Point of View….

Re: ADHD Point of View….2012-01-28T15:07:20+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other ADHD Point of View…. Re: ADHD Point of View….


Post count: 285

When I was 8, my teacher tried to discipline me and I rebelled against it. My Mom complained to the school, even though the discipline was appropriate for the class – I was the one who was different, and maybe needed to be in a different class. What went wrong with that, is that I didn’t learn any accountability for my own behavior, I didn’t get any help with ADD (My Mom fought about that too, and insisted that I was just too smart, and therefore bored), and my behavior and rebelliousness went out of control. I was allowed to do whatever I wanted, which didn’t make me happy after all, and certainly didn’t endear me wtih my peers.

I think it’s important to realize that although we ADD’ers get misunderstood, that doesn’t mean our behavior is just fine. I think I needed PROPER help with my behavior that addressed the root causes (AD/HD), and then to have a reasonable level of accountability for my actions based on reasonable expectations, with ADD appropriate consequences.

If that would have happened, starting early, I think I could have been less behind socially, less stressed out, more proud of my accomplishments and more well adjusted later in life.

I believe there are some smart teachers and psychologists out there, if you look really hard, who know how to make that happen. Browneyes – I hope your daughter can get the best possible help. Thanks for coming here!