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Re: both partners have ADD…(woman posting this)

Re: both partners have ADD…(woman posting this)2011-03-12T13:46:11+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments both partners have ADD…(woman posting this) Re: both partners have ADD…(woman posting this)


Post count: 71

Welcome aboard! The crazy train that is. I have been officially diagnosed. My husband, while he’s coming around, still refuses to be evaluated. My youngest daughter has been treated for years for it(hyperactive subtype) and my oldest daughter, while coping well, is starting to show all of the inattentive symptoms. Every day here is a crap-shoot of what we’re going to get. We are all very intelligent, funny, talented in our own areas, etc. But on a bad day……?

That said, things are getting better and better with knowledge and alot of patience. The book you bought is fantastic! A bible, if you will. Another one I would recommend is Gina Pera’s “Is it You, Me, or Adult ADD?” The reason for this, is that everyone needs to see how we affect the others in our lives. It’s been easy for me to see how my husband’s scatteredness has affected me, but since my issues are different, it was enlightening to see it in print how I was affecting him.

As for your question? Of course it can work if both have ADD. As long as BOTH parties acknowledge, accept and actively work at communication and taking responsibility of their own symptoms. This is not as easy as it sounds, but it certainly is attainable if both want it.

Good luck in your quest for knowledge. You have certainly made an impressive first step by coming here. There is alot to learn and you’ll find it here. :-) (just had to try out the emoticons)