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Rick Speaks a lot of truth in that reply. Back in High School I found myself finishing papers/ homework hours or sometimes minutes before they were due and even receiving an A’s on them. That’s the hyper focusing aspect of ADD/ADHD some of us have. I as well have a very very difficult time holding a job longer than a year. My dad once told me all I want you to see you do is work at a job for a couple years. Do you ever experience a loss of interest at work or the job has lost it’s spunk? It happens to me often where I’ll hold a job for maybe 6 months wake up one day and see no reason what so ever why I am going or what its accomplishing and end up getting fired or quiting. Carrie your not alone in dealing with these situations. Many of us especially me have trouble staying with a job for an extended period of time unless we find that coping mechanism as Rick said “ADDers need to measure our success by different standards”.
Rick do you have any tips in understanding how we can measure our success? I understand the concept of avoiding leaving to things until the last minute. Making the decision when confronted with a situation where It’s last minute I fail to comprehend the benefit of saying ‘Yes I’ll do this now and not doing it later’. Does this happen to you carrie?