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Re: Exercise and ADD: RUNNING FROM DISTRACTION2010-04-05T16:05:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Exercise and ADD: RUNNING FROM DISTRACTION Re: Exercise and ADD: RUNNING FROM DISTRACTION


Post count: 14413

I get bored with everything, and physical exertion is the absolute worst. After about 15 minutes I can’t take it anymore.

Golf is one of those things I’ve struggled with. I rarely use a cart, and discovered that walking instead of riding helps a lot. I can put together five or six consecutive holes at par or better, but then I just lose interest. Sometimes I re-gain focus on the back nine for three or four holes and will turn in a good scorecard. I can build up my tolerance after several rounds to where my implosions are less severe–fewer double and triple-bogeys. My problem is seldom physical, fundamental, or swing-related. I’ve parred every hole on the course, and birdied more than half of them. And I’ve triple-bogeyed every hole on that course too.

The good news is that I get bored with eating and drinking too. Moderation is easy for me. It’s not that I’m disciplined, I just get bored–even when something tastes really good. The only addiction I can’t kick is nicotine, but I did at least give up tobacco–for the past six years I’ve had an expensive gum-chewing problem.

Recently I’ve discovered something that has been missing from my life was music. Listening to more of it has made me want to go back to playing it. I was good 20 years ago but I quit. My right-brain has been screaming for some action lately, so I’m hoping that becoming a musician again will help to focus me better in other areas. I read a thing about Einstein and his violin, maybe that’s one of the keys to unlocking this brain.