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Re: Feeling confused as always

Re: Feeling confused as always2011-03-16T05:04:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Feeling confused as always Re: Feeling confused as always


Post count: 14413

I can tell by your post that you are not making up your ADHD symptoms. (haha)

So, I just started Concerta this morning and I need to work on the timing of it all. I haven’t been to sleep yet, but I can tell you that I may have trouble getting to sleep. I feel pretty wide awake right now at 1am. Not good.

I think the Concerta will work for me, but I just have to figure out how long it lasts and if I need to supplement it with Ritalin to make the landing a little softer.

Good luck and good night! :)