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Good morning, good morning!
Bluesman! Thats great that he noticed a difference! My husband hasnt really noticed one with me, no one really! hahaha But I am noticing a lot now!
Yesterday morning I took 10mg, but felt that wasnt quite enough, so in the evening took 20mg and actually found that to be too much. I was on edge. This morning I took 15mg and feel great! I had my son all ready for school and got him there on time with no panic attack, I even made conversation with another mom when normally I jet in, and jet out trying not to make any eye contact hahaha My laundry and dishes are going.
When I came home on… Sunday from my evening shift I found my whole house to be spotless! Even the laundry done! Floors all shining, windows sparkling! I couldnt believe my eyes! My mom and grandma came over when I left for work, together with my husband, cleaned everything for me! My mom watched the “ADD and loving it?!” video and is understanding how the ADD brain works so thought she would help me out and get me organized! Now that im on meds I want to keep it this way! I am quite happy about how my brain is… not slower but… quieter! I can actually think and finish a thought before rushing to a next and organize myself and get things done!
My dad called me yesterday and told me he watched the movie as well. I am EXACTLY like him (my profile pic is the 2 of us haha) in the ways we think and I am 100% sure he has ADD too… He was thinking maybe he was because of the things I was telling him, but I told him to watch the video and he will see. He did, and he believes without a doubt he has it too. I am very happy for him because it really has taken over his life and has caused him a lot of trouble. I know it will change his outlook and life once he has proper meds and learns how to deal and use it to his advantage! My mom now understands why my dad is the way he is. Before she thought he just didn’t listen or care too because he always “zoned out” and he is very impulsive which has caused him problems with money. Now my mom is understanding about it and not hurt or angry anymore. Very exciting!