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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-24T23:43:34+00:00

Post count: 14413

Well done, No_Dopamine!! That’s how I felt after ditching all the piles of paper from my sewing room. Now I just have to work out how to file what’s left 🙄

Carrie – I feel so sorry for you!! My brother in law visits from interstate every year or so, and while he doesn’t stay with us, we are expected to spent loads of our valuable time with him and his kids. It’s exhausting!! And the kids are cute in small doses but irritating by the time we’ve spent a good chunk of a week with them. Even my patient son, who usually has all the time in the world for young ones, gets irritated by his cousins after a few days. We can look forward to it all again next January, when they are due to visit again…… 😯

I have come to a dead halt! My kids have gone back to school so I no longer have my cheer squad to help motivate me :( Not that you girls aren’t great at helping, but it’s just not the same as having my daughter saying “can I help, Mum?”, or my son saying “that looks great. I love you Mum”. Plus I am losing sleep because I can’t sleep in when I have to get up to take my daughter to school, so I start the day feeling tired and foggy.

Hmmm….anyone else want to join my pity party?!? I think I just need to get my butt into gear and try to tap into whatever kept me going last week, and get out of my slump. Okay….I will set some goals.

I MUST fix two penguin costumes so I can get them out of my house – rehearsal is tonight so I can dump them off then, if I finish them today.

On the way to picking up my daughter, I will get petrol in the car, and I will go to the bank and put more money on my credit card. It’s very sick 😳

I will hang at least five of the photos that I have been meaning to hang for years. I bought some hooks yesterday, so that’s a start.

I will pack up some of my daughter’s best cast off toys and put them aside to give to a friend I will see tonight, as her niece has two young girls and not much money, and they will love some almost new toys.

I will reward myself with some TV time, but I will unpick a pair of pants while I do so, as they need to be altered to fit my son.

There. Done. Now I have to make an effort. But gees it’s going to be a hard slog today :?