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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-26T14:59:06+00:00

Post count: 529

Yeah I have that problem too. You ask me a question and im a “depends” kind of girl. Someone could ask “Tell me the colour of the sky”, “Well that depends. During what time of day? Or with, or without sun glasses? etc etc” When it was only a simple question. But yes, in a emergency I know exactly what to do and am calm. I can work in chaos, not the slow pace hahaha

Krazy – My husband does that EXACT same thing! I come up with an idea and he says “well have you thought about this? or what about that? What will you do if this happens?” Sometimes it is nice because I really havent thought of some things… But most times I have and yeah, it does irritate me! Waiting for phone calls suck! I hate it, only because I have better things to do like waste my time on the internet or video games uninterrupted. hahaha Actually I just hate the phone period! It never stops ringing! I find while I talk on the phone I walk all around the house. In order to stay focused on the conversation I pace around.

Ive joined the no PC till noon with no dopamine, but I figured I would reply here, turn the laptop off then get some things done.

I have agreed to let my Grandma take my kids for 2 weeks. I am very very very very very very very nervous about it. My kids will be 5 and 6 next month and havent been apart from us for more than 3 days. Now they will be 6hours away with my grandma…. My grandma is one of my best friends, but the way she acts with them I dont agree with. She doesnt mean to but at times does more harm than good and thats what im worried about. When I was growing up I always ate fast. Over and over she told me that I would be 200lbs and no guy would ever love me because I would be fat. That hurt a lot. When I told her how it hurt me when I was older she denied it. But I know she didnt mean to hurt my feelings, but there are other ways than that. An old school way of hers of course is to eat anything and everything thats on your plate if you like it or not… My son isnt too fussy but my daughter is. I dont cater to this, but I dont FORCE her, or them to eat it all if they are full, and only make them at least TRY things and eat a little bit of the things they dont like. I dont get mad or make a huge fuss about it. Anyways… Long story short… I need to get them packed up. Clothes! UGH! So thats what I will be working on. Plus their schedule, what they like to eat and how to discipline them. And of course, im just anxious about them being so far away and I dont know where they will be at all times and what they are doing! At least my sister will be there to babysit my grandma, and grandma knows that and understands. Plus I will be phoning them everyday and talking to them on Skype. If I need to sooner, I will go pick them up!

Alright off to get things done, then play some video games! My cousin is living with us until we go to my grandmas. Thats his home town, so bringing him home, and its his xbox! So my time with the xbox is limited! :(