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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-12T13:56:16+00:00

Post count: 14413

My joke in the workplace was that I needed a velcro vest so I could attach notes of things I was supposed to do. My second monitor on the desk actually does look like my profile picture.

You go, Nellie!

I did laundry on Sunday, and it’s all folded and put away, and the laundry baskets are empty and in the laundry room (ok, one of them is, the other has some blankets that need to be put away). Not my goal for this week, but it’s good to get that all done. The videos on folding stuff inspired me to actually do it. I still can’t figure out the 2 second tshirt fold, but I did fold a gazillion tshirts.