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Re: Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat…

Re: Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat…2011-07-08T12:23:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat… Re: Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat…


Post count: 913

Now noting terrible dry-mouth in the morning, but I drink a LOT of stuff every day anyway, just never felt dry-mouth this bad before.

Other side effects – the “urges” or desire for sex have dropped a lot. (my wife might appreciate that part)

I’m currently 12 days into it. First 7 days – 1 40mg pill taken once a day, then second week, 2 40mg pills taken one time a day.

Probably too early, but I’ve not noted much improvement in the AD/HD, but then I’m probably not the one who should judge me on that.

I feel less energy, have had NO desire in the evenings to go out and work on my cars – I used to rush home every day to go to the shop and spend my evenings out there almost non-stop. Haven’t been out there all week.