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Re: Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat…

Re: Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat…2011-06-30T19:56:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat… Re: Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat…


Post count: 4

I use strattera. the only one i’ve tried. It seems to help, but not the drastic improvement reported by others using stimulants.

I’ve doubled the dose. seems to help a little more.

Cant get an erection while using it. have to be off for 1 or 2 days for things to operate properly.

(I was on Zoloft for long time to help with depression – not currently)