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Re: How Bins Changed My Life

Re: How Bins Changed My Life2010-01-15T19:41:52+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD It Runs In Families How Bins Changed My Life Re: How Bins Changed My Life


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I’m wondering where the best place for the personal bins would be? My husband, daughter and I are ALWAYS late getting out the door because one, or all, of us can’t find something. My daughter’s school is actually surprised when she isn’t late….poor kid. We also have two dogs that love nothing better than nosing around in back packs and such, so I would likely need to keep them off the floor. I’ve used the bins in my kitchen cupboards, and it’s wonderful, but I hadn’t thought of the fridge or in the bathrooms…another challenging room in our house. Thanks for the great idea.

:-) Tanya