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Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?

Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?2011-06-19T07:03:34+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with? Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?


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Thanks!! I think it has just been overwhelming because it has all happened so fast, one thing after another. My daughter was first, and as we were sorting her issues out, I began getting concerned phone calls from the school about my son, and in researching ADHD, I then realised that I could well be a candidate for it also. So I had appointments to attend, appointments to make, referrals to get, school paperwork to deal with, as well as dealing with other places who needed to know about my son’s ADHD. And all that on top of my daughter’s social skills classes and doing everything that I need to do as a mother and wife. Phew!! But you have all got there in the end, and I know I don’t have it as bad as so many other people, so I will take a deep breath and try to relax :-)

Just after my son’s diagnosis, I ordered a heap of books about ADHD, including two for younger children (9-12 year olds) and one for teens. The ones for younger children arrived on Friday and I was thrilled when my son looked at them and pronounced them “Great” and “Set out just how I like books to be”. So despite his aversion to reading, I think he will read them. He is very curious by nature, and when he hit puberty, he devoured any books we gave him on the subject, so I think he will soon be very well informed about his disorder. Which should serve him well, I hope. The fact that I am similar to him also helps, as he knows there is one person in the house who understand him and how he thinks.