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Re: Name that feeling!

Re: Name that feeling!2011-07-25T07:20:32+00:00

Post count: 596

Carrie are you still taking the ADD meds? I know a while ago when I was having trouble with the Concerta I didn’t take it one day while I was on vacation at the beach to try and reduce the side-effects. At one point late in the day I got so totally bored all I could think of to do was open a bottle of wine. Being as I was the only wine drinker in the house….oh well you can guess the rest. The next day I decided to take the meds again despite the side effects because that feeling of boredom is so overwhelming. The same thing happens every so often if I don’t take the Vyvanse but not quite as bad. I’m starting to recognize what I’m feeling so I can talk myself around it. I must say my drinking is much more metered with the medication. I can stop before getting drunk and just thinking about a hangover is enough. I must say never had the same kind of self control without the medication. Before I would have good intentions but after the 2nd beer that would go out the window. Not that I would end up on a two week bender or anything drastic- just the next day I’ll never driink again syndrome

Anyway lost my point here :-) I think it was meds help me control the impulse and be aware of the triggers. I think……:-)