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Re: Problems with sustaining motivation while solving open-ended problems.

Re: Problems with sustaining motivation while solving open-ended problems.2011-03-10T14:54:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Problems with sustaining motivation while solving open-ended problems. Re: Problems with sustaining motivation while solving open-ended problems.


Post count: 121


Sounds like what I do in my line of work.

Because of the complexity of the things I deal with, I found it helpful to care with my a small note book. I use this for taking notes when discussing anything with my peers or supervisors, and when being taught new sotfware or application. Ask if you can use a tape recorder or any other audio recording device. I can’t – it’s against company policy.

I think this may have something to do with my lack of “non verbal working memory” where it’s difficult for me to retain anything using the traditional teaching methods (retention by rote). In many cases, it means I can’t remember what I’ve been shown, so I have to “re-learn” it all over. It also means I can’t remember what has failed in the past, so there is a lack of experiential data to guide me.

You see, that’s why I can’t play card games – can’t remember the rules. But I can do crossword and sudoku puzzles forever.

I have been trying to take more frequent breaks, whether it’s getting up to get a tea, or just walk around the office for a few minutes. This helps me “chunk” my work into smaller work packages and prevents me from hyper-focusing. I call that falling into the rabbit hole. When I chunk things they become discreet little tasks that I can see easier, instead of being paralyzed by the whole problem.

If you can get a copy of “Taking Charge of Adult ADHD” by Russell Barkley, it’s has a really good section about executive functioning (time management, working memory, self-motivation, self-regulation, self-activation) impairments and how to work around them. I think it’s the executive functioning thing we both have to work on, Bguntoor.

Hope this helps…and good luck.