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Re: Question for DR. J.

Re: Question for DR. J.2011-03-14T07:00:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Question for DR. J. Re: Question for DR. J.


Post count: 14413

All I’ll say is that each one of us should make use of whatever safe means or methods that are available to help us make the most of our days. Our days are numbered and we’ve all got a long list of things we want to get accomplished so we need to use the methods that work for US. What works for me may be totally useless to the next person since our bodies are all so very different. Enough said! Wait, no bullying. I had to say that, it’s the teacher in me coming out.

DONNAJEAN, my son took Ritalin 3X a day many years ago. It was a wonderfully effective ‘tool’ that really assisted him at school and in the evening hours while he socialized with his friends. The doctor switched him to RitalinSR to cut out the need for him to take the lunch time dose.

The results? It was like he was taking nothing, nada, no effect. In fact, I actually began wondering if I had forgotten to even give him the medication at all! You know how it is with our brains- add 3 kids, a husband who travelled/worked out of the country and left me in charge. Added on was the fact that I’m not a morning person and I had to get myself ready for work…no wonder I wasn’t sure if I had given the meds to my son.

The lack of effect was so profound that I actually started recording when I gave it to him so that I could be sure that I actually had done so. The result? Ritalin SR was a big “0” when it came to effectiveness. The regular Ritalin was very effective, the SR was useless. My son went back to the regular stuff.

His doctor told me that he found that to be the case with a lot of his patients but he thought he would have my son try it just in case he was one (of the few) where it worked. Hope this helps you out!

Have you tried Concerta or its generic form? (although I hear lots of people including my specialist, who state that the generic just isn’t as good as Concerta)