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Re: Resident going on about the merits of building self esteem

Re: Resident going on about the merits of building self esteem2011-11-15T19:59:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Medication Resident going on about the merits of building self esteem Re: Resident going on about the merits of building self esteem


Post count: 14413

I have been in talk therapy since I was 20. I’m 40 now. No one ever mentioned ADD, just depression, anxiety, thyroid, adrenal burnout etc. Those meds helped but not enough. I have not been diagnosed through formal testing. Just got an initial evaluation yesterday with a neuropsychologist who took a history and said she was torn about me because I have a lot of the symptoms of executive functions being somewhat limited, but coped really well, especially in school. I went to law school and graduated cum laude, but have not been able to succeed since I left school. I attribute that anomaly to the built in structure and limited responsibilities of school. Plus it was an intuitive playground for me. Just figure out what the teachers want and give it back to them.

Anyway, my biggest problem has been underachievement since school, and total lack of organization and time management my whole life. My life has always been chaotic–room a mess, total drama in relationships, procrastination and not finishing things. I was able to make it work in school–barely. Since then, my self-esteem has plummeted.

The psychologist I saw yesterday was TOO focused on meds. I asked, okay, assuming I get a formal diagnosis, what then? There was no talk of finding what you are good at, building self-esteem, focusing on your dreams and coming up with organizing solutions. I would have liked to have heard some of that aside from, take some meds and you’ll do better at the things you’re not good at.

Having said that, so far, talk therapy hasn’t gotten me far enough. I think I need something to stimulate the percolating powerhouse of energy that is within me, just out of reach.