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Re: Ritalin-SR and a strange, early-evening daily bout of depression…

Re: Ritalin-SR and a strange, early-evening daily bout of depression…2012-01-15T23:32:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin Ritalin-SR and a strange, early-evening daily bout of depression… Re: Ritalin-SR and a strange, early-evening daily bout of depression…


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

Funny thing about those “supposed to last for” times. Some people have much faster metabolisms, so the drugs don’t last nearly as long as they should. Other people have very slow metabolisms, so the drugs last longer than expected. And if you have a digestive issue where you’re constantly running to the loo (a common side effect of lots of drugs for mood disorders or diabetes), that capsule or pill may end up getting flushed away before it’s had time to finish its work.

Everyone’s different, so you really need to keep a journal of what meds & doses you’re taking, the times you’re taking them, and how you’re feeling. Then, you take that journal with you to your doctor, and together, you can determine if you need to adjust the dosage or frequency.