The Forums › Forums › Emotional Journey › Is It Just Me? › So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone? › Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?
Let me just start by saying that I am so grateful to the person that started this forum, because I’ve always wondered if other people had the same face-picking addiction that I do, but it’s not exactly something that you can talk to people about, unless you know they have the same issue…otherwise it’s a bit embarrassing. I also have pretty much every other horrible habit that has been brought up in this forum as well…nail biting, chewing the skin on my fingers, chewing the inside of my mouth, chewing the skin on my lips, picking at the callouses on my feet, etc. The nail biting is one that I have stopped almost completely because I ended up chipping one of my bottom teeth because of it (its so small that no one knows its there except me, but it was enough to scare me into not doing it anymore, for fear I would end up with a bigger chip in my teeth one day). Anyway, I’d say my two worst habits are the skin picking and chewing the skin around my fingernails (sometimes until they bleed). I wish so bad i could just leave my face alone…because I’ve had moments where i could control myself for a few days or a week and not touch my face, and my skin starts to look SO much better and doesn’t even break out as much…and every time, I swear I’m stopping for good, but I always end up right back infront of my magnifying mirror eventually….that thing is evil lol. And of course the next morning, I always regret it, because i have to try to cover up the damage that i did the night before and it always makes going out or getting ready for work such a chore…and usually makes me late too (trying to get my cover up as perfect as possible). And when you have A.D.D., the last thing you need is another thing that makes you late lol. And as for the finger chewing thing…that’s directly work-related for me….i do it at home too, but rarely…at work, its constant. I don’t know if there is ever a time when I’m at work and I’m not chewing on my fingers, lips, or the inside of my mouth. And my coworkers comment on it from time to time…stuff like “stop chewing your nails” or “are you hungry?” …and its embarrassing that almost every time someone walks by, there I am, knawing away. But i know its stress related…I have A.D.D. and I work in a cubicle for 10 hrs a day, doing mind-numbing work and having to multitask…need I say more? LOL. …Not that I actually spend anywhere close to 10 hours actually working…lol…but thats a whole other topic for a different forum.
Anyway…not sure why I can’t stop these horrible habits…don’t know if it’s the A.D.D. playing a part in all this or not (saw a few posts explaining that it can sometimes be caused by OCD, which is interesting…i’ll have to look into that)…but either way, wish i could just stop…I logically know that it worsens my appearance and that i will regret it later, yet i still do it.
Anyone have any advice? or any little tricks they have found helps their self-control infront of the mirror or in times of stress?