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Re: This is the thread that never ends….

Re: This is the thread that never ends….2011-07-24T17:24:04+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other This is the thread that never ends…. Re: This is the thread that never ends….


Post count: 14413

Chocolate?? Mmmmmmmm!!! I love chocolate. I used to eat 2-3 bars of it a day (I was 5′ 8″ and 125 lbs soaking wet) but finally convinced myself that eating that much everyday probably wasn’t a ‘good’ thing (more like excellent!!!). However, my conscience won out and I’ve cut down to about 1 bar a week.

Lucky me would get ‘presents’ from my hubby as he travelled around on business. Chocolate from Hersey, PA, more chocolate from San Francisco (gee, I don’t even remember who the big manufacturer is there….bah!! Can still taste it, though- he bought all kinds of unusual types of it there), and of course all the chocolate he’s brought back from Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. Mmmmm, mmmm good!

Lindt chocolate is pricey but can be bought at their factory outlets for a much better price. And yes, I’m kicking myself since I forgot to stop and pick some up the other day when I was at the mall. Thought I would pick it up when I was FI|NISHED shopping (so as not to eat it all before getting home) and then left!!!! without purchasing it. Must have been fate. I suppose it is all good since my pants are just a tad tight.

Sigh. 😆