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Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate

Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate2011-07-09T02:26:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate


Post count: 14413

Wow!! My son is reading a book!! Because it’s school holidays, I suggested to him that he find things to do that would really test out the Ritalin, such as chores, reading, extra homework, tidying his room, practicing his music, or doing a project that takes concentration. He decided to read a book, as it has been something he has struggled with, despite being a fluent reader. He finds it hard to stay focussed on the book, and to multi-task enough to both read the words and follow the storyline. He took his Ritalin about 45min ago, and decided to try reading one of his Harry Potter books. It has been 10min and he is still at it. He said he feels a huge difference in his ability to focus on what he is reading, and he is enjoying it rather than it being an effort. I hope it continues this way. No side effects yet, apart from he said he felt a bit spacey….that his mind felt quiet, without thoughts whizzing through constantly. And he said “I can’t daydream!!” – which I assume means his thoughts don’t wander off readily. Which is all good. He did come a cropper about the time the meds would be taking effect, falling off our mini-tramp and whacking his elbow and head, though he is pretty accident prone, despite having good coordination generally. So I won’t get concerned about that event unless it becomes more frequent.