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Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate

Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate2011-07-10T23:05:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate


Post count: 14413

Hmmmm. He had bad heartburn/reflux this morning. Plus a major panic attack because he hurt :? Neither is unusual for him – he often freaks out when he hurts himself or has symptoms that he can’t explain. And heartburn is normal for him, if he eats pizza usually, though it does occur at other times as well. Just not first thing in the morning or as severe as it was today….hence the panic. Calmed him down. Gave him antacids. He’s fine. But now reluctant to take his Ritalin. I think a call to his doctor is in order this afternoon. We might have to get something for his heartburn as it looks like the Ritalin is going to make it worse. Bugger!