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Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower

Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower2011-07-20T14:30:20+00:00

Post count: 303

LOVE THIS ARTICLE! Thanks, no_dopamine. I’m thinking of starting out into the outside world again after 12 of being at home with the kiddos. I’ve got more than a few ideas. This article is very encouraging. You rock! Also, I shared on facebook.

Anybody else get offers of snake oils from friends when they post ADD stuff on facebook? I got lots of friends in those pyramid schemes selling tonics. LOL! Anyway, I go sparingly on the ADD stuff on facebook now, but this one was so good that I had to post it :)

I use Outlook as well. It’s got tasks and a calendar and they all beep. I have an app called 2Do on my iphone that syncs with the computer and Outlook, specifically. I don’t know how I did things before my magic phone. Oh yeah, I didn’t! I forgot them :( I’ll definitely check out the Vitamin R app, too.

Thanks again!