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Reply To: petition for clearing disabled student loans

Reply To: petition for clearing disabled student loans2015-12-08T18:52:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community petition for clearing disabled student loans Reply To: petition for clearing disabled student loans


Shadow Nexus
Post count: 181

You don’t understand the concept of disabled. It covers a broad range of problems, physical and mental problems.

You can get a college degree and get into debt. Then have a car accident and go on disability. You are unable to do common job  practices. So, you can’t work.

You can be disabled from genetic problems from the start of your life. Go to college and do great. You are unable to get a past the job interview because of your disabilities. Discrimination is huge problem in the job world. You are stuck with massive debt.

You can be disabled from genetic problems from the start of your life. Do really bad in k-12. Go to college and get help from campus learning disability. You struggle and have no social life, just keeping your head above water. You graduate from college with honors. You apply for jobs and most require ‘good communication’ skills, get along with your coworkers. Your disabilities keep your communication skills at poor or below average.  Despite lots of training, you can’t get past the interview. You go on disability and are stuck with massive debt.

This two stories of many i’v heard. So, if you can’t get past the interview, what do you do?   Work for yourself as an independent business manager. Businesses have many startup costs. So, you have massive debt. The funds that can make your business succeed are sucked away by that debt. Destroying any chance of business success.

Some of us, can’t ‘fit in’, ‘blend in’, ‘get along with coworkers’, not ‘make waves’, ‘8:00am full time workday’, and to be blunt be a (StarTrek) ‘Borg Drone’. You can only be successful as an independent business person (your own boss) .

I learned this lesson the hard way. I will never waste any more time (about 15 years) trying to be a ‘Borg Drone’ worker(3 month total job experience lifetime). No more job interviews ever, No more trying be something i’m not.

Something I said to someone got me thinking, “I hated giving a (bleep) what other people thought of me.”  I dress for working for pure comfort, not conformity.  I make the rules and I love it. I’m happy and have a purpose now. As my own boss, I work my own schedule, take days off when I need it, and I choose my subject matter for that day’s writing or reading.  I’ve worked more than ever did.

One person who has read the whole thing had a look of ‘WOW! mind-blowing content’. The rest who have read chapters have the same look. It’s slow going, but fun processing each new piece of information. I can’t and wouldn’t have it any other way.


Free the disabled debt burdens by signing. Free them to start over…