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Methylphenidate troubles.

Methylphenidate troubles.2010-01-19T11:12:32+00:00

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    Post count: 1096

    I sometime doubt if Ritalin helps me. Certainly yesterday it did not motivate me to get a paper finished for work today. But I realise it did focus me – just on the internet instead of on work. I guess I need to prime my brain with what I want to achieve before taking it.

    But this morning I had no doubt it worked with my emotional regulation. A student at work has ADHD and I had to help him with an issue. Another member of staff was involved and afterwards he slated the whole idea of ADHD. Remarkably I refrained from ‘decking’ him and calmly explained my reasons for thinking it is a real issue. The biological research etc…not sure where I dredged it up from but I did.

    And you know what, I sounded much more convincing and authoratitive than if I had just decked him and told him to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ – the coffee that the rst of us have to drink in copious amounts!


    Post count: 14413

    I was diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive 2 months ago and the doctor at first suggested Adderall but I told him that I am self pay, I have no insurance and know that Adderall is way too expensive so he prescribed generic Ritalin 10mg 3x a day. It seemed to work even though I had no expectations, I seemed to be able to filter and focus my thoughts. After much research at my next appointment I asked if I could try Adderall since everything I read said it was best. I managed to find a CVS pharmacy with generic adderall for $93 for 180 10mg. They seemed to work somewhat better but I may not have been able to tell the difference if you gave me a “taste test”. Anyway, since I can get the generic Ritalin for $4 at Walmart the next month I had the dr. put me back on the generic ritalin since the extra cost for Adderall just didnt seem worth it. I guess what I am getting at is that it is frustrating when you cant get the more appropriate meds because of an outrageous markup in price. Prices for the generic adderall at stores around me ranged from $93 to like $315! I just hope I can get some type of insurance someday so I can try out other meds like you guys talk about to find the right combo. Thanks for listening.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m on generic Adderall XR now. Taking 20 mgs a day but it doesn’t seem to be helping. SIGH. I either need a larger dose or a different med. I wish I could just skip all this Trial and Error and find what works for me, but I know it’s unlikely that people find a perfect med at a perfect dose the first time. That would be extremely good luck!!.


    Post count: 14413

    I went up to 40mg on the Adderall XR generic and it still didn’t help, so tomorrow I start on Strattera (40mg) for a week and then up to 80. Doc wonders if I really have ADHD because the Adderal didn’t work for me and it has been very helpful for his other ADHD patients (he’s a family practice doc). I’m feeling disappointed that nothing has helped at all so far. You’d think I’d notice SOME affect from taking the Adderall, but even stopping it didn’t register any with me. I wish there was some way to know ahead of time which med will work. Has anyone else stopped Adderal because it just plain didn’t have any effect at all, or am I some sort of freak of nature?.


    Post count: 845

    Monkeybarb – I started on 10mg of adderall which I tried maybe once or twice a week to see if I noticed a difference. I can’t say that I did. So I asked the doc for 20mg. I still didn’t notice a significant difference if any with respect to ADHD related symptoms.

    I did notice that I was a bit more energized in the mid afternoon. I also noticed that my sinuses were more open. On the down side, I am beginning to be bothered with essential tremors which is genetic. Adderall seems to aggrevate the condition. Adderall also seems to elevate my blood pressure.

    Somewhere I read that doctors may be able, in the future, to prescribe a meds based on a person’s genetics. With more study, they will be able to genetically determine which areas of the brain are most affected and what meds work best for that area.

    As for your being a freak of nature, I really couldn’t say. ;)

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