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School – Verbal Abuse by Teachers!

School – Verbal Abuse by Teachers!2010-12-06T11:06:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard School – Verbal Abuse by Teachers!

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    Post count: 51

    I was taking a graduate course in college when the professor said I should not be asking questions since this was a graduate level course and I was disrupting the other students– four others….I would like to ask practical application type of questions- information not in the books..

    I got my revenge the rest of the semester as I would correct his blackboard notes..Professor is’t the derivative of dell squarred–from the top of my head…

    The follow class the professor would start with ” A correction to yesterday’s notes.. The Derivative….I would correct him an average of twice a week..

    The same professor–

    On a final exam We had to derive a formula for the deflection for beam collums-(structural steel). As we were handing in the exam a fellow student asked me how I got rid of the negative sign– I replied a negative squared becomes positive. I asked him what he had done. He said I just gave him a bunch of BS to cover it up.

    My exam was short sweet and correct. Now the dilema- The other student had lower grades than me so the other three I wondered what the professor would do. to make sure he got an “A” ..

    The student with the error got an “A” I had the correct answer received a “B”. When I asked the professor why I had received a “B” when my answer was correct. He replied the other student did so much more work.. I just kept quiet….But the whole class knew.

    I got a “B” fror the course.-his revenge but it was worth it.


    Post count: 14413

    Funny story Hans. Kind of how the government works……. I bet your fellow student gets a job with an engineering firm building designing bridges for tens of millions of dollars to an islands that inhabits only hundreds……. mean while you can design a green energy system that will make us all less dependent on foreign oil……….. oh sorry wait not a good idea if we eliminated the need for oil then we would not need wars and then what do we do with all the poor kids that would have to come back to the US and not have jobs or opportunities where there is not a risk they will not have to die for the rich … This has been a service announcement not endorsed by totallyadd.com its employees or their pets, the baker, candle stick maker or my mother whom has gone to heaven years ago. Just a point that even the educators that really are public employees are sometimes out of touch and our education and gov’t has become to ridged and self loathing for there own agendas as opposed to serving the people that feed them in a more dignified manner…. Wait how long did it take them to build the pyramids… with out the equipment we have today and how far have we gotten rebuilding the world trade center site … OK OK enuff I do apologize as I am just frustrated and I cannot wait to get back to work to be a contributor once again…


    Post count: 103

    That reminds me of when my daughter’s teacher told me she had “never in her 20 years seen a child like (mine)! This was when she was in second grade and when I visited the class room, she would snap her to attention by yelling her name in front of the whole class, and really just scaring her. She was seven years old! I tell ya I wanted to rip her a new one.


    Post count: 14413


    I am hoping your daughter recovered from that unwarranted treatment and has since moved onto greener pastures. I am 48 and when I think back at how I was verbally abused by teachers continuously it amazes me I graduated. Unfortunately it was because they were able to push me through as my parents were either not willing to admit I had issues due to there own ignorance/lack of knowledge. Or there was so much poop going on in there lives I just was kinda pushed along just to get me my HS diploma and I am sure the school just wanted to keep there graduate numbers up as we lived in a affluent town although my parents were not.

    I am hoping that it is not the case today but I will tell you unfortunately because of budget restraints many kids are gonna suffer…. sad but true.


    Post count: 103

    Njadd…I agree that the schools are sorely lacking in funding (thanks to those who value weapons over education :)…which makes it even harder for those kids who need the extra help and understanding to get help. I was a loopy mess in school and dropped out of college because I didn’t know how to deal with my issues, but when it comes to my child, my tiger-mama claws come out. I had so many meetings with the principal and staff trying to get her evaluated. She didn’t qualify for special ed because her grades were just above failing. Frustrating, but I didn’t want her to be in special ed anyway because I didn’t think that was where she belonged and I didn’t want her to be labeled and possibly stigmatized.

    Now that I know I have ADD, of course I wonder if she does as well. The thought of giving a 16 y/o meds is kind of scary but am I keeping her back from her full potential? Was it my “nurturing” (as an ADDr) or Nature (in her genes). Will my getting focused help her stay focused? know what I mean? My next step is to get her tested.

    It sucks that we fell through the cracks, but today is my first day of meds and already I’ve gotten more done in one day than I had in a week before. So, forward HO, and I ain’t lookin’ back.


    Post count: 103

    p.s. i’d like to have a discussion about nature vs. nurture but can’t find a tag…..Does anyone know how to start a new thread?


    Post count: 430

    I went to Catholic school and was “taught” by nuns until the 8th grade. I learned early on, that if I divided my IQ in half, I was still smarter than they were. Having undiagnosed ADHD and Dyslexia, landed me in the corner and principal/s office several times a day. Unless you murdered someone, they would not kick you out of the school, because they liked the money from the parents. I was finaly put into special class, and the teacher there just made sure the bibs caught all the drool, and the kids didn’t hurt themselves when they banged their heads repeatedly on various things around the room. I had two teachers in Highschool who figured out I was bright. UT-OH… GTG… Ill continue. a little later.


    Post count: 14413

    Lindstr… Does your daughter know of all your trials and tribulations? Make sure you keep her informed of your struggles and progress. Are you from the US or Canada or another


    Post count: 103

    Ohhh my gosh yes. She knows, however I don’t think she is able to be objective enough to discern what is dysfunctional behavior on my part, since she’s lived with me all her life, poor thing. I’ve asked her to observe me to see if she notices any changes lol. Aside from her grades, she’s astonishingly mature and is the one all her friends go to when they have problems. Maybe she’s had lots of practice with all she’s been through. I’m in USA formerly in CA and in WA state for last two years. (an impulsive move, typical). pls. do YOU know how to start a new thread? :)


    Post count: 14413

    You can create a new topic… go to forums left side home page click.”forum”..Find a main topic/forum in the center which ur thread/post fits under (there are about 9 or 10 main topics i think) click on it opens topics then go to bottom and you can create your own then.Again it will be in one of the main categories so pick the best one it fits in..


    Post count: 14413


    FYI… I am on the east coat however a friend of mine belongs to a group called CHADD there are 2 such groups at least in wash state, she has a 15 year old daughter as well whom has gained a great amount of insight from this support group and even attended one of the meetings after visiting there website You may want to check it out…Her daughter sounds just like yours… we have Skyped a couple of times and I even chatted with her daughter and she has learned some great copping skills to make up for her mothers lack of them. Although she (the daughter) has some ADD symptoms that the mother does not….


    Post count: 103

    Njadd, thanks for that info, I just looked them up and there is a branch here in Seattle. Also, thanks for the reminder about the videos here. I’m watching them now and wow, they are full of good stuff. With my ADD i went right for the forums overlooking all the other great resources here. I had had all kinds of fears about her taking medication but after watching some of the vids, realize that my fears are essentially unfounded. CHADD sounds like a great place to start. Thanks.


    Post count: 14413

    All the best 2 ur daughter and of course u as well…


    Post count: 14413

    The high school that my son attended would hold parent teacher meetings in the cafeteria. The teachers would sit in a circle and the parents would wait in line for their turn to sit in the chair and speak to the child’s teacher. At one point, tired of a very very long wait I turned to the rest of the parents in line and said “if you don’t want to wait any longer I can just tell you that your child is not working to his potential but will do much better if he or she (yes I said he or she) would only apply him or her self.” I don’t know if they saw the humor in it but I think this is a stock answer from all teachers and too many parents (when I did reach the front the teacher told me the same thing and my son was making an A in his class). Meanwhile when I meant with his counselor she assumed that he was going through some terrible trauma at home because his straight A grades had dropped to Cs. I simply explained to her that he was fine but had choses to take all classes that semester that graded on homework (like English and History). Unfortunately I had not heard of ADD at the time.

    As for me I still remember what it felt like to walk into my third grade teacher’s class in the morning and hear her usual greeting in front of the class “Wendy, Wendy why do you come so soon, you used to come at one o’clock but now you come at noon”.


    Post count: 14413

    All I’m hearing here is a bunch of grumpy people who are not offering any meaningful ways to help out the situation for teachers and students with ADD. Perhaps volunteering in a classroom with some of these students would be helpful. Have any of you considered volunteering at a local school with some of the kids who are being maligned by these teachers?

    Being an insider (yes, a teacher I am!), I know that all the schools with my board glady accept parent volunteers and even provide training!!! There are all kinds of places where you could help out, especially with these kids who tend to fall behind for all kinds of reasons.

    Please don’t blame it on school being boring. I’ve got a class of kids who nearly drive me crazy every day but I persevere because they deserve it. I stay late to make sure I’ve got everything planned to a ‘T’ because that’s the only way I can be a productive teacher with my ADD brain.

    And…..as much as I hate to say it….do you know how disruptive to the learning environment an ADDer can be? Everything we do has to be for the greater good of all. There is no way it is fair to let one or two kids disrupt the learning time of the rest of the class. Or, for that matter, ‘steal’ the 2.5 minutes I have to spend with all the other students in the class. So, soooo many days go by where I have almost no one-to-one contact with my ‘regular’ kids because my ‘special’ ones suck up my time. How fair is that? Their moms and dads all sent them to school each day expecting they will get more contact than a “hello” in the morning when I do attendance.

    There is no extra help for the special kids. It just doesn’t happen. IEPs? Wheelchairs will get you one as will autism. Where I am, ADD is NOT considered ‘serious’ enough to warrant any special considerations other than not loading too many of them on a teacher who already has ‘real’ special needs students.

    I’ve worked quite a few jobs over the years but teaching has been the only one that has been challenging. Everything else could be done with my eyes closed. Every parent screams to us that their child needs the MOST attention. The truth is that they ALL do. As I tell my kiddies, “just remember, I’m only one person and I don’t have octopus arms.” They all laugh and ‘try’ to patiently wait their turn.

    Let’s try to be more helpful with comments here rather than just complain and point out deficiencies. If we want change, let’s be actively involved in making it happen. Words alone won’t make a difference. Our actions will!

    Now, my math papers are all marked (with oodles of neatly printed helpful hints for next time) and my few minutes of free time on the computer are over. G’night!

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