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  • in reply to: Hilarious ADD moment! #100368

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    I lock my car with the remote thing that is on the keychain. I haven’t locked my keys in the car since I started doing this. A few years back, I got the idea of always parking in the same area of whatever store I am at. Before I started doing this, I would look for the car for a bit and then hold the keychain up in the air and press the “panic” button on the remote. The car with the blaring horn and flashing lights was mine.

    in reply to: ADD friendly jobs #100645

    Post count: 2

    Driving a school bus is a good job with ADHD. There is a lot going on so it never gets boring. My route is for my district’s behavior disorder program. Every one of my passengers has ADHD. The teachers have told me many times that they want me back on this route next year. Since I have what they have, my mind works like theirs do. The short tantrums don’t bother me that much either. When they go off I bark right back at them, then everyone moves on- no disciplinary action required. Since they know one little slip-up won’t cause them grief at school and later at home, they cool off a lot faster.

    My district does drug testing, a federal requirement, but bring a photocopy of your prescription with you and give it to the person that gives you the test. Tell the clinic up front what they will find and that it will be consistent with the prescription. When the clinic reports back to my management, it comes back as no illegal substances found.

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