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Hmmm, that’s odd since they (the lawyers) usually would come running if they smelled blood. At least that’s what a doctor I used to see in NY used to tell me. He is Cdn like me and said the malpractice insurance rates were crazy, crazy down there because of that fact.
Not doubting your case at all. It just seems like the people who really need the help are the ones who are left out in the cold. Wish I could give you a name to help you out. My only connection with AZ is with my DH’s family who live down in Tucson.
I do understand the issue somewhat as when my daughter was signed on with the major airline up here (as a FA), she had to have a physical before being sent off for training. She was asked at that time if she had ever been seen by a psychiatrist, which she had while off at university. The fellow incorrectly diagnosed her as bipolar and put her on meds (too much time trying to lead or be part of every social justice club on campus, hold down a part-time job, have a boyfriend + little attention to assignments + her first every in her lifetime low marks = plain old depression).
When she moved back home she was followed by another psychiatrist here. He promptly took her off the meds and told her she had been incorrectly diagnosed but the issue of that one-time (incorrect) diagnosis and meds prescribed for it became an issue.
This psychiatrist was furious when he heard what happened when she went for her medical and demanded to have the name of the doctor in charge of in-flight crew/medical issues. When she provided him the name, he said “Oh… I know that guy. I golf with him just about every week in the summer. I’ll just give him a call and set this straight.” And he did.
Her 1st psychiatrist had declared her bipolar based on the notion that I had been BP. Yes, I took meds for BiP for about 7 years because I had too had simply been depressed. When I told my doc that I was awake most of the night I was told that meant I was bipolar. Then one day, my guy said, “You know, I don’t think you’re BP at all. You don’t need any meds and don’t even need to be seeing me at all.”
About 5 years after that, I wanted meds for my ADD and went to a new psychiatrist who deals with adult ADD and he told me I was a ‘classic case’. He said he sees a lot of ADD people who have been told they’re BP because of their high energy, ‘creative’ thinking and night-owl habits. (I’ve never slept, even as a baby. Why wasn’t I BP then? LOL)
One last note, the airline’s Medical Officer didn’t even live here (YYZ). He was based in YUL and just flew in for weekly golf sessions on Friday. My daughter was just lucky enough to see a psychiatrist when she moved back from Quebec who was one of the guy’s summer golf buddies.
And people wonder why there is a stigma with taking brain drugs and seeing a psychiatrist? Because it can cost you your job!!! Just as it has done to you!
I wish you good luck in this matter. Hopefully, you’ll find someone to take on your case. Since the time that this happened to you I know there is a little bit better understanding of ADD and its issues and how the meds are used to assist us.
Please keep us posted with your progress as we’d like to hear how you make out with this.