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Re: ADD/ADHD and High Stress Levels – Are Symptoms Harder to Control?

Re: ADD/ADHD and High Stress Levels – Are Symptoms Harder to Control?2011-03-16T21:13:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Ups and Downs ADD/ADHD and High Stress Levels – Are Symptoms Harder to Control? Re: ADD/ADHD and High Stress Levels – Are Symptoms Harder to Control?


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Hi, I can totally relate, almost the the T! I’m married almost 2 years now, but I’ve been with my husband for just over 6 years now. I was only diagnosed ADD last November. My husband is bipolar and an alcoholic. Though through medication and support he’s doing better than he was before. 2 weeks before we were married I lost my job as an optician, laid off from the economy. Now before I get my story all jumbled up let me see if I can start from the beginning. I’ve always been easily distracted, daydreamed constantly, moved slowly, forgot everything, etc. You probably know what it’s like. I’m smart. I managed to get through 2 years of college with a high B average without studying. The tough parts came when I got into the work force. No matter what I did I couldn’t get to work on time. My bosses were not pleased with me because no matter how hard I felt I worked, it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t see what needed to be done. If I was really focused on something I couldn’t switch to another task easily, it was actually very hard. Needless to say after a couple years of going through this, my husband (boyfriend at the time) was newly diagnosed bipolar. That was a rocky relationship road. He had a 0.2 second rage fuse. He would get so depressed borderline suicidal for days at a time and then go manic. I have a very hard time cleaning and tidying the house, dishes are my focus enemy, and he would get very angry with me about the cleanly and tidying. Call me lazy, say that I didn’t even try to do anything in the house. It wasn’t a nice time. Well I developed an anxiety disorder. I would have panic attacked on the way to work fearing I would loose my job. I would have panic attacks about my husband and what he was doing. I was a mess. I would do much what your doing now. Eventually things leveled out. And your life will too. Once my husband got himself under control our relationship got immensely better. I have a job at a different place that is more understanding of me what I need to work well. I find I work best by myself where I can work at things on my own pace. As far as being late. ROUTINE, routine, routine! I have to give myself strict morning timelines, I have to have everything ready to grab and go. And I make sure I leave my place (ie in my car) to get there 10-15 min early! Then I usually get there on time. If I don’t do this, then most likely I’m late. As far as stress management, I need to spend some time each day with just my thoughts, time for my mind to run wild and time without distractions. A bath is really nice. To deal with other things that need to be done, I set a time limit and give myself something as a reward for doing it, like watching my fav show. And most o this I have accomplished since being on meds. I simply can’t focus enough without it. My life has changed around and your will too. I’m also an optimist. The bright side is right around the corner. I still have bad days and periods of time. Remember we’re not perfect and we’re not meant to be. ADD can be a gift for us if we learn to harness it right. Or it can destroy us if let it control us. Maybe to help with your boredom and sluggishness, try finding somethin you LOVE, and make it a hobby, when I have zero energy I can start talking about or doing something I love and in an instant I’m fully charged and ready to go. Also it’s something to look forward to doing and it makes life feel purposeful. (just ignore those people that think what you love is blah or stupid, cuz all that matter is that you love it) besides great things didn’t come about from people who listened to what other thought.

I hope that helps! Feel free to ask if you any more questions or anything !! :D