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Re: Resident going on about the merits of building self esteem

Re: Resident going on about the merits of building self esteem2012-01-13T00:24:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Medication Resident going on about the merits of building self esteem Re: Resident going on about the merits of building self esteem


Post count: 929

I’m just posting this for anyone who has a similar problem as the original person that started the topic/thread.

This whole thread sounds like the perfect combination of tools, treatment ideas, and good perspectives. The only thing I can add is to be extremely critical about what “mechanic” works on the engine, getting the right locksmith (psychiatrist) to help you unlock that key from the inside (medz is the key) so then a mechanic (therapist) and or possibly both a psychologist and therapist can work together. Be sure all you team of doctors are in sync with each-other. Keep as much copies of the medical documentation and records as you can. Doctors come n go, they move. These records are your property and you have a right to a record of all the work being done on you (for today, you’re a car, hehe) An ADHD coach sounds like one of the key players on the team of professionals that you may need. Watch the ADD coach video on this site, it’s good. Think of yourself like a Nascar car. They don’t have one mechanic do they? it’s a huge team in the pits. {how funny, you have go be in the “pits” to get worked on! lol} and the driver has to be very much involved with every single one of the mechanics. Right down to the guy who chooses the rubber and changes the tires. (this might be your athletic trainer, or just someone helping you at the gym, exercise definitely will help).

The part about the resident sounds like a red flag for me. With this problem (ADHD) you probably need a seasoned professional. A team of them…

I bring tons of experience with doctors of all kinds to this table. My spinal cord injury is just as complex as ADHD, I’ve tamed that dragon, mostly. Not on my own for sure. One thing I can tell you is this. Residents are DANGEROUS!!! I can only draw from my experience. That’s the experience of a 31 year old mad man who dealt with undiagnosed ADHD, had real depression too. So the ADHD was helped a little with antidepressants. The depression is not really much of the problem any more, because I take the right medz for that. A lot of therapy in addition has sort of kept my car on the road so to speak, but never at my full potential, ever. Then I got hit by a truck and all bets were off for a while, I didn’t deal with it very well. Not being able to sit still is a little bit harder in a wheelchair! lol. Probably about 7 or 8 years ago I started working much harder at getting my life in order, or maybe I just started finally getting better help. Getting spiritually healthy, to me that’s the key to becoming mentally healthy. But the car (me, I know you get that. just want to be clear) still is not running at it’s full potential… Slowly, gradually changing dosages has been a long difficult path. Now I’ve just got to be patient while we find the right dosage for the ADHD. I may need some therapy or an ADHD coach after that. We shall see. It’s the same with you. In the meantime, take advantage of the tools here. If you haven’t seen the documentary ADD and loving it. that’s a good place to start, watch the videos here, read… read a lot! because this is a complex thing we have. We are a little bit like Nascar cars, not a bunch of cookie cutter ford f-150’s. I haven’t met many people in the world that are “all the same”. it’s especially true with us. Nascar car doesn’t mean better than other cars, just different, much more complex. Difficult to keep tuned.

This page is kind-of a team of people recovering from adhd, helping you choose your professional team. Plus one true professional on this page with us. I hope this was encouraging Bibliophile, if you actually do read it, it’s a month old.

Here’s my main point- It’s really throwing the dice letting a resident of any kind help you with something like adhd, IMHO. That’s more risk than even I would be willing to take, if I had any choice in the matter. I do still have that adrenaline junkie DNA in me. I’m pretty sure I’ve tamed that dragon as well.

Choose your team of ADHD pro’s wisely, I can’t imagine just one doctor helping you with all this. I couldn’t possibly count all the different kind of health care pro’s I’ve had to fight like crazy to make it on time to see. I should look at getting to places on time like a sport! I just thought of that… hmmm. I gotta remember that!

It sure ain’t boring having ADHD huh? lol. Good luck.