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Re: Small box not big box

Re: Small box not big box2011-06-05T20:23:42+00:00

Post count: 14413

The burning-to-the-ground solution seems to be a common thought here! Never heard of selling the teens, though. Won’t they be gone soon enough?

I was able to resist most of my parents’ stuff when we had to empty the contents and sell about 2 yrs ago, still have a few things including some nice teacups that I couldn’t part with, although I never have a tea party and I drink tea from mugs. Someone I saw this week said that one grieving person held a tea party, and brought out the good teacups that her mom used to have. Everyone had to come with a story about her late mom, and when they left, they got to take the teacup with them. I wonder how long it would take to do a similar thing with other household contents!