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Re: How to stop the sensory assault?

Re: How to stop the sensory assault?2011-07-13T14:00:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Other How to stop the sensory assault? Re: How to stop the sensory assault?


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try this one: http://www.amazon.com/Stanley-31200-TimerMax-Indoor-Digital/dp/B0020ML744/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1310565334&sr=8-2

The digital timers don’t tick like the mechanical ones. They plug into any wall outlet, and you plug the device into it. you should be able to find it at Home Depot, Lowes or a decent hardware store. Even Walmart carries them. (No offense to Amazon, but I hate waiting.)

I would take another run at the landlord. It’s not like you’re hanging a TV or something you’ll take with you. If you threaten to move out (especially in this economy), you might convince them.