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Re: Omega 3's

Re: Omega 3's2011-07-04T14:21:25+00:00

Post count: 14413

Hey Sherri27, I take Omega 3 (fish oil) supplements every day and I find they help. I take them because I personally haven’t responded well to several of the medications out there (Ritalin, Dexedrine, Concerta, Vyvanse). I’m definitely not bashing them at all – I have two siblings who are taking meds and are doing well on them. I stopped taking them because I always ended up feeling the side effects to a huge degree. I’m naturally an extremely anxious person and I felt that the medications amplified this too much.

Anyhow, back to Omega 3’s. I take one or two 1000 mg (or 1g) capsules daily and find it slows my internal motor down as well. From what I’ve read it’s not recommended to take over 3000 mg (or 3 g) a day. I also notice that there’s some cognitive effects. I find that I’m a little better at interrupting the usual stream of irrelevant blather going on in my brain with thoughts that are relevant to the things going on at the moment (hope that makes sense). I guess that might mean that I can focus a little better on a task at hand.

Also, I notice it helps with a “mental murky-ness” that I often feel.

The effects aren’t incredibly dramatic though, very subtle, but at the moment it works for me.

Hope that helps.