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Re: Organizing your office

Re: Organizing your office2011-07-02T05:19:28+00:00

Post count: 14413

nellie: fantastic ideas! I am really tired of not having a dining table ie anywhere to eat which is not at my computer. I am sort of starting organizing. I bought this 3 slot metal container for mail. first slot is: must do ASAP (ie pay bills). second slot is: must deal with soon. third slot it: at my convenience (i have to go through it eventually because it will fill up!).

I bought this huge paper file folder box because I have all sorts of papers in piles and important papers all in unmarked random folders. (ie. i almost lost my professional license…yeah..not good.) I purchased it, but it sits on the floor of my office. I am still patting myself on the back for the mailing container. one thing at a time, right?

ways not to organize one’s desk:

1) use multiple unmarked folders for papers which do not belong together

2) make a huge pile on top of a scanner you actually need to use

3) using the floor as extra storage space

smftwo… I got an Android phone and it is the best thing everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I am making to do lists, grocery lists, and putting stuff into the calendar. and playing with it because it is awesome. it is hard work, but I am making huge efforts to put stuff in the phone as I think of it. I had the same (next change my life attitude as well). I have laughed at my disorganization for so long, but I really just feel done with it and frustrated. one day at a time.. a lot of mental effort…