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Re: Organizing your office

Re: Organizing your office2011-07-03T20:22:10+00:00

Post count: 14413

nellie, you might try the two-year-rule with the stuff in boxes. If you haven’t used it in two years, you probably won’t.

Again, I’m good at dishing out advice, but bad at following it myself: I still do have a box that is still unopened from the first time I moved way back in 1977 or so (and I have moved that box to many, many residences since then).

What’s helpful to me is knowing that nobody in my family really wanted any of my parents’ possessions (not children or grandchildren or inlaws), so we ended up getting rid of just about all of it. So there is no guilt in thinking that I am saving it for anybody. I remember my mom thinking her grandkids would want some of her mom’s china or her mother-in-law’s china but no, kids these days want everything new.

So thanks for your reminder that garage sales are not worth it (my time is worth something too). I needed to hear that and my husband will thank you for it!