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Re: Doubts about telling my family

Re: Doubts about telling my family2011-07-18T15:44:48+00:00

Post count: 14413

I thank all of you for replying and sharing your thoughts and experiences! It helps me a great deal.

I think it’s sad that AD(H)D is frowned upon by others, especially if they’re friends and family. Some people don’t even believe that ADHD exists… that we just use it as an excuse for not bothering. And THAT bothers ME. We’re people like everyone else… we just have a lot more going on inside our heads than most other people.

I told one of my older brothers yesterday that I have ADD and that I’m struggling to remember to eat and organizing my meals… I’m not eating enough. He barely reacted at all. He just said “Ok… Whether you have ADD or not, you just have to get a grip… Just eat and stop making excuses for yourself.”. I wanted to explain to him that ADD is a bit more complicated than that, but I just felt so discouraged. He would just think I was making another excuse.

Of anyone in my family – he’s the one who knows me the best and if he reacted like that – I think it’s safer for me not to tell anyone else about it until I feel more secure in my situation. It saddens me, but what can I do.