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Re: Dishwashing and Divergent Thinking

Re: Dishwashing and Divergent Thinking2011-07-19T18:50:27+00:00

Post count: 14413

Interesting topic!

I don’t have a dishwasher… I’d love one though. It would surely make my life a little easier. I live alone as well (unfortunately), so sharing the chores with my cat isn’t an option, I guess. LOL.

I too hate dishwashing. I procrastinate until I can’t stand breathing in the kitchen because of the stench and I’m forced to open a window to vent it out (I’m incredibly embarrassed to admit that…). It can take weeks before I’ve gathered enough energy to tackle that stinky mountin of doom.

I always have to sort the dishes before I start. I can’t just pell-mell… So I begin with the cutlery and glasses, then wash the pots and pans, then the dishes and last but not least – all the dreaded plastic containers (!!!).

As you can imagine, a few weeks without doing the dishes will result in the whole kitchen counter being packed to the fullest with dirty dishes and it often takes at least 2 hours to wash it all. I try to do the cutlery and glasses first, take a break, continue with the pots and pans, take a break, etc etc… But I almost never finish. Either I’m exhausted after a while or I find something interesting to do/read/watch and completely forget about the rest of it.

I must admit that Sugargremlin’s dish washing strategies has been a part of my life for a few years now, LOL. At least when I realize I’m running out of clean things to use.