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Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower

Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower2011-07-20T16:25:52+00:00

Post count: 445

So now it’s a learning disability? And we should wear a cape and an “S” on our chests?

I don’t doubt for a second that some ADDers own yachts, apartments in Monte Carlo, and houses in Moustique. Good for them. Some people also have found lottery tickets to be excellent investments.

I don’t mind the curse v. gift debate. What I do mind is journalists trotting out anecdotal stories to try to prove a point. It wouldn’t fly in a respected medical journal. And it shouldn’t fly in a well-regarded personal finance magazine. ADD deserves a more serious discussion. Show me a credible study that indicates ADDers are over-represented in the universe of successful entrepreneurs (owners of businesses with annual revenues of, say, $US 5 million+) and I’ll happily take another look at the “Superman” assertion.

(Disclaimer: I started a business that made millions, and I can assure you my ADD did nothing but get in the way.)