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Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower

Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower2011-07-21T14:14:51+00:00

Post count: 14413

I’m guilty of writing and saying things that I think are hilarious, that nobody else gets. librarian_chef has a particular type of humour and I do get that.

I once did hire someone (through work) to file for me, but it just didn’t help with the business paperwork, I just generated even more. I just can’t get organized enough, it’s like needing to clean the house in order to have a cleaning lady come in (we can’t afford one either).

I like your analogy: zen saying: 7 times fall down, 8 times get up. I am thrilled to pieces when I remember to do something without the aid of post-it notes, calendars, putting something on the toilet as a memory trigger. But it’s short-lived!

Have to re-read Tom Sawyer some time from an adult perspective. I would have loved to float downriver with Huck Finn! once I contemplated running away from home, but then it was time for dinner :D