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Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?

Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?2011-07-27T04:07:46+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Other What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up? Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?


Post count: 529

Great job! I failed. I was sucked in.. I thought “Oh I will just check the forums… thats it!” That lead to youtube, and facebook and surfing…. Didnt get anything done and got ready yet once again about 15mins before I had to go to work. Tomorrow I WONT even check the forums! I will just stay right away from it! I have to get my kids ready for their stay at my Grandmas anyway!