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Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?

Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?2011-07-30T20:42:57+00:00

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Post count: 14413

Day 6 update: to make up for day 3 which was a completely nonproductive day as far as work goes since I had to leave early for a doc’s appointment and never got back here.

Got to bed earlier last night (10:30 pm) since I was really tired from yesterday’s workday.

I woke up on time today but snoozed the alarm for about 10 minutes. Then I read a bit of a book I had taken to bed last night to help me fall asleep. Got up, did my meditation sitting, had a shower. Took my meds and ate breakfast. The snoozing, reading and shower conspired to make me late getting out of the house, not until 9 am. Then I did a couple of errands (banking, health food store, mailbox pickup, get an EXTRA LARGE coffee to help wake me up some more) and so I didn’t get to work until 9:45 am. My husband showed up with lunch at 11:30 am. It’s now 4:30 pm and I am calling it quits for the day. When I get a take-out coffee and bring it into work, I don’t get started on productive work right away, I tend to check email and surf the internet a bit, so boohoo for that!

Now I know if I indulge in any of these non-essentials, I will not make it to work on time. And I can still be distracted by them if I don’t get a “fix” of them from time to time. So I need to plan accordingly, which includes making time for these things, just not when I need to get somewhere at a particular time or get something done.

I also saved the worst task of the day to the end of the day, I sweat a lot doing it and get pretty messy, so I wanted to make sure I didn’t give up on the day of work before that got done. Now I’m all messy so I’m going home to shower and enjoy dinner at home.

Tomorrow we plan on doing FUN stuff and NO WORK! Yay! I did a 5 day work week and survived it and learned a lot in the process!

Like sugargremlin says, awareness is the key. But sometimes we don’t know what our distractions and habits are until we deliberately try to mess them up. I kind of knew what some of my issues were but this week really helped me see them more clearly in relation to the things I really want to be doing.