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Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?

Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?2011-07-30T23:49:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Other What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up? Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?


Post count: 529

No Dopamine – Thats great!! Your actions are a motivation for me!

We didnt end up going camping :( I just couldnt make up my mind… and then the day is gone and we have gone no where. Well we made a trip into town, but it was wasted… We forgot the bank was closed on a long weekend! After that… I played some xbox… Mom called and needed some help. Helped her. Came back. I just cant get myself into gear!! Someone get out the cattle prod! PLEASE! hahaha I did get the weeds pulled the other day… They are still in a pile by my front steps. I realized I need to get all my things together before I start… Or I will leave it half done. I did that because I didnt know what to do with the weeds. Husband wasnt home at the time. Hes here now.. So will load them up in the truck!