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Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates

Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates2011-07-29T17:44:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? There's a "tone" to my voice that everyone hates Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates


Sean E Bravo
Post count: 7

haha, thanks everyone so far.


I’ll do #6 and will find out 3 days later that an email complaining about my attitude was submitted to the boss :P In my mind and memory, That’s where I’m lost

When it comes to my family, I’m just afraid (and fairly convinced) that I’ve conditioned them to think that I’m just having a “Defensive” day all the time and thus in a situation they think I’m going to freak out in…and I’m being cognative and trying to make sure I’m not…they start reading into it…then I react in anger :P I’m learning though!