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Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates

Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates2011-07-30T18:21:39+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? There's a "tone" to my voice that everyone hates Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates


Post count: 226

People mistake when I am excited about something I get louder, which makes me sound angry. Other times, I get angry because people sometimes do not understand me.

Somehow people complain to me all the time. I volunteer at a place where people are happy to visit and sometimes the thing they wanted to see is sold out. Once this lady got so angry and yelled at me for a half an hour. I got tired of it and told her about the suggestion box. The place even placed a security guard by me. I even had a lesson how to act when people get to close. Blah, blah, blah. Half the time I stop listening because I am scared of them and the bad reports I may get, but the minute I mention the box they go straight to it.