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Re: Bad Sleep (Just a Vent)

Re: Bad Sleep (Just a Vent)2011-07-30T15:05:23+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Bad Sleep (Just a Vent) Re: Bad Sleep (Just a Vent)


Post count: 529

My meds would keep me awake at first so I would take 3mg of Melatonin to knock me out. When I have to get up at 5:30am, I dont have the time to toss and turn!

I hear you about the nightmare thing. From about 3-18 years old when I got pregnant, often I would have nightmare filled night that would keep me up all night. Once I became pregnant they stopped. Now its only once in a while. About 2 weeks ago I was up all night with nightmares… It was one that you finally wake yourself up out of and then fall right back into once you doze off again. However… about 95% of my nightmares are not the kind where your naked in front of your class kind of deal… but fictional and gory. I still remember nightmares from when I was 4 years old. I have 2 recurring ones over and over. Wolves chasing me at my elementary school at night, and a ;possessed cat trying to kill me, but I love cats, and didnt want to hurt it… but no matter what I did to it, it came back and tried.

My husband always falls asleep in minutes while I lay there awake! But he gets night paralysis, in which he has a terrible nightmare, but cant move to wake himself up… So often he will make himself breath funny to signal me, then I touch him and he wakes up. Often I know its happening before he signals me because all the hair on his body stands up. My dad gets night terrors, as does my uncle. Interesting stuff. Sorry for getting off topic there! hahaha