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Re: Synaptol-Homeopathic Substitutes for ADD

Re: Synaptol-Homeopathic Substitutes for ADD2012-09-12T21:59:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Other Meds Synaptol-Homeopathic Substitutes for ADD Re: Synaptol-Homeopathic Substitutes for ADD


Post count: 845

We haven’t heard from mm2524 since his initial post over a year ago, probably poisoned by a bad batch of snake oil. RIP

As indicated above, natural doesn’t mean safe. The injection I received of brown recluse venom, although natural in its synthesis and injection, left me feeling “out of sorts” for a day or two and caused a nasty sore at the site of introduction. I can report that I did not see any benefits. On the other hand, a similar injection of wasp venom had me moving around like someone fifty years my junior, although the effect was temporary, about 10-15 seconds. And, I think during that brief time, cleared up my ADHD.

So if you ask me, go for the wasp venom over that of the brown recluse. And get the XR if available.